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Integrity Policy​

KING ONE Engineering Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") prohibits all forms of bribery and corruption and is committed to integrity, honesty, and anti-corruption practices in doing business. All sole proprietors/directors and staff (hereafter referred to as “personnel”) must abide by this integrity policy and the associated company rules/guidelines/code of conduct.


  • the company and all personnel have to observe the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (Cap. 201), the Competition Ordinance (Cap. 619), and other integrity-related laws in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region;

  • the company does not allow our personnel to solicit or accept any advantages* from any individuals or organizations having business dealings with our company unless permission is granted for the acceptance, and such permission shall be in line with anti-corruption and integrity principles;

  • the company prohibits all personnel from offering advantages to any staff or member of a government department or public body while having dealings of any kind with them.  We also prohibit all personnel from offering advantages to any individual or organization, whether directly or indirectly, for influencing them in any dealing, when conducting business with our company;

  • the company’s personnel are required to avoid accepting lavish or frequent entertainment from others having business dealings with our company;

  • the company requires all personnel to avoid any conflict of interest situation or the perception of such. If unavoidable, the personnel concerned should make a declaration to the approving authority who should decide on actions for mitigating the conflict;

  • the company prohibits all personnel from disclosing any classified information without authorization, and misusing any information of our company or clients;

  • the company has an internal reporting mechanism for our personnel to enquire about matters relating to integrity and report possible breaches of integrity requirements. Our company handles these reports promptly, prudently, and in strict confidence;

  • the company strictly forbids retaliation against any personnel who, in good faith, reports possible breaches of integrity requirements or who participates in the inquiry/investigation of the allegation;

  • any personnel in breach of integrity requirements will be subject to internal disciplinary action, including termination of appointment and/or referral to relevant law enforcement agencies. Our company will render full assistance to law enforcement agencies in the investigation of criminal offenses.

*Advantage is defined under the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (Cap. 201) covering any gift, loan, fee, reward, commission, office, employment contract, discharge from obligation/liability/loan, service, and favor, exercise or forbearance from the exercise of right/power/duty, etc.

The company is committed to partnering with ethical business counterparts/entities/organizations who share the same values and commit to the same integrity standard. 




  • 本公司及其人員必須遵守香港的《防止賄賂條例》(第201章)、《競爭條例》(第619章),及香港特別行政區其他與誠信相關的法例;

  • 本公司不容許人員向與本公司有業務往來的人士或機構索取利益*或接受由該等人士或機構提供的利益。假如事先獲得批准接受有關利益,則作別論,而此類批准應符合反貪污及誠信原則;

  • 本公司禁止所有人員在與政府部門或公共機構進行任何事務往來時,向其職員或成員提供利益,以及禁止所有人員向任何機構的成員提供利益(不論是直接或經第三者間接進行),意圖影響他們與本公司進行業務往來時的決定。

  • 本公司屬下人員必須避免接受與本公司有業務往來的單位所提供的奢華或頻密款待;

  • 本公司要求所有人員避免陷入利益衝突的情況,或被視為有利益衝突的情況。如無法避免,有關人員須向審批人員申報,以決定紓減衝突的行動;

  • 本公司禁止所有人員在未經授權下披露任何機密資料,或不當使用公司或客戶資料;

  • 本公司設有內部通報機制,供人員查詢有關誠信的事宜,並舉報可能違反誠信規定的個案。本公司接獲舉報後會從速及謹慎地處理,而且絕對保密;

  • 本公司嚴禁向真誠地舉報可能違反誠信規定個案的人員,或參與有關指控的研訊/調查人員報復;

  • 任何違反誠信規定的人員將面對內部紀律處分,包括終止聘用及/或轉交相關執法機關處理。本公司會於刑事犯罪調查時向執法機關提供全面協助。

*根據《防止賄賂條例》(第 201 章),利益的定義涵蓋任何饋贈、貸款、費用、報酬、佣金、職位、僱傭合約;解除義務/法律責任/貸款;服務及優待;行使或不行使權利/權力/職責等。

本公司致力與價值觀相同、秉持同等誠信標準和重視商業道德的企業 / 機構合作。

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