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Caring for Employees Policy

KING ONE Engineering Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") attaches great importance to the physical and mental health of its employees and their career and personal development. We provide our employees with a safe and pleasant working environment and regularly organize various types of recreational activities to enhance their sense of belonging to the company and team spirit. The company adheres to the people-oriented concept and continues to improve the human resources management system to allow employees to fully demonstrate their talents.


  • Human Resources
    We care for our employees and provide them with a safe, respectful, and harmonious working environment. We implement comprehensive human resources policies, including promoting gender equality, preventing sexual harassment, occupational health and safety, preventing bribery, and protecting personal privacy. We expect all employees to be treated with respect regardless of age, gender, race, religion, national origin, marital status, family status, disability, or pregnancy.


  • Staff Development and Training
    To enhance the competitiveness of employees and increase their professional standards, we will provide employees with diversified training to promote their growth and development. This measure can also strengthen the company to provide better services to all walks of life.


  • Employee Communication
    The company regularly organizes various types of recreational activities to enhance employees' sense of belonging to the company and team spirit. At the same time, meetings between management and employee representatives are held regularly to discuss different issues, including safety, administration, and work-related issues, thereby strengthening two-way communication.


  • Promote Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace
    While our company actively promotes equal opportunities, we will also promote multiculturalism in our organizational structure. We provide job opportunities to people of different backgrounds and races fairly and welcome Hong Kong residents of different races to join the company and hold various positions.​​

The company will also refer to relevant Hong Kong laws, such as the Employment Ordinance, the Code of Employment Practice for the Sex Discrimination Ordinance, the Disability Discrimination Ordinance, the Family Status Discrimination Ordinance, the Racial Discrimination Ordinance, and the Employment Practice on Elimination of Sexual Orientation Discrimination. Code of Conduct, etc. to formulate personnel management systems.

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  • 人力資源
    我們關愛員工,並為其提供一個安全、受尊重及和諧的工作環境。我們實施全面的人力資源政策,包括推廣性別平等、防止性騷擾、職業健康和安全、防止賄賂和保障個人私隱。我們期望所有員工,不論年齡、 性別、種族、宗教、國籍、婚姻狀況、家庭崗位、是否殘疾或懷孕, 均受到尊重。

  • 員工發展及培訓

  • 員工溝通

  • 宣揚職場多元共融


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